Many people don’t realise that you don’t have to be rich or famous to make a bequest by leaving a gift to a charity in your will.
The truth is that most bequests are made by ordinary, hardworking people who want to make a positive difference to their community or to a cause after they’re gone.
The good news is that including Presbyterian Support Northern in your will is just as easy as providing for loved ones.
And it can be as much, or as little, as you wish.
A way to keep on supporting
Without the generosity of everyday Kiwis, our charity wouldn’t exist. Bequests are essential to make sure the good work that we do continues in the future.
We’re a part of Include a Charity to help Kiwis understand how easy it is to leave a gift in your will to charity. For more information about leaving a bequest, please read our bequest page.