Many people don’t realise that you don’t have to be rich or famous to make a bequest by leaving a gift to a charity in your will. The truth is that most bequests are made by ordinary, hardworking people...
Know that warm fuzzy feeling when you donate to us? Now you can multiply that by 33.3% because it’s tax time! If you donated to us between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2016, you will receive an annual donations summary in the mail during April/May.
A bequest from former Waikato farmer Harry Fawcett is continuing to help people from all walks of life, from babies to grandparents. Mr Fawcett’s bequest to Presbyterian Support Northern represented three generations of work on the farm.
National Volunteer Week starts next week (21 to 27 June) and is a celebration of volunteers who have contributed invaluable knowledge, skill and time to communities around NZ.